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Beiträge von Andreas Neef
Study "Information 2015" - Reforming the paradigm
eine Studie von accenture und der Z_Punkt GmbH
07. August 2010 von Andreas Neef, Markus HecknerOrganizations need the right information at the right time to make accurate decisions and to optimize business processes. Yet the role of information, and the way an organization’s employees interact with that information, is rapidly changing. With this continuous challenge to established paradigms, organizations need to rethink their whole approach to information management if they are to remain innovative and competitive. Working with forecasting consultancy Z_punkt Accenture evaluates the key trends that will shape information practices in the near future and provides thought-provoking insight into how organizations might successfully manage information as a means to achieve high performance. [weiterlesen]
Andreas Neef hat zu folgenden Schlagworten veröffentlicht:
Andreas Neef is working at Z_Punkt GmbH.
Z_punkt The Foresight Company is a consultancy for strategic future issues. Since 1997, Z_punkt has been supporting businesses and customers in the field of strategy, innovation and leadership. Z_punkt specializes in corporate foresight, that is, translating the results of trend and future research into the practice of strategic management.