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Beiträge von Ines Kaps
Barriers in intercultural knowledge sharing
Learning’s from an international plant engineering project
16. Mai 2011 von Ines KapsFast reaction to changing customer requirements and the profitable exploitation and management of existing knowledge is becoming a competitive advantage for companies. In order to manage knowledge, employees need to be willing to share their experience first. Cultural differences in terms of the communication style (explicit or implicit communication in low or high context cultures) or perception of risk or power often hinder people in sharing their knowledge. Trust is therefore a key dimension in knowledge sharing. Hence these barriers may hinder people in understanding each other’s knowledge and experience. Cultural trainings, adapted processes and meeting styles that meet the different requirements of high- and low-context cultures can improve the outcome of international projects. Systems and processes may support knowledge management initiatives but the key drivers are building trust and commitment and highlighting successes and results of these initiatives (e.g.: a faster development of a customer solution). [weiterlesen]
Ines Kaps ist Mitglied in folgenden Themengruppen:
Ines Kaps hat zu folgenden Schlagworten veröffentlicht:
International Project Manager: Ines Kaps is a persistent and highly structured international project manager, driving passion into practice. By holistically managing expectations, stakeholders and project teams she develops solid relationships and delivers innovative business solutions in time and in budget. She has a sound network and constantly wins long-term customers.
She has a sound network and constantly wins long-term customers. Ines has been working as a Management Consultant the fields of Knowledge and Performance Management as well as Business Intelligence since 2002. Across Europe, she has successfully delivered projects using Business Intelligence tools such as Professional Planner, Cubeware Cockpit, SAP BW - Reporting, Microsoft SharePoint. Ines Kaps has further experience with tools such as SAP BW IP, SAP HCM; Cognos, SAS, SPSS and ECM Documentum.
Ines Kaps is highly valued for her translation skills between business departments and IT as well as intercultural teams.
The industry focus of Ines Kaps is automotive, chemical and life-science, industrial automation, plant engineering and renewable energies.
As her first entrepreneurial experience she set up a SAP Consulting Company for a Business Partner in 2000. Since then, she developed various businesses such as a sales and software consulting office in Paris, a company in the field of industrial automation near Munich and a business in the area of renewable energies in the UK. Today Ines supports young entrepreneurs as Coach and Juror at the MBPW in Munich.