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Ewen Le Borgne

Organisation: International Water and Sanitation Centre
Beiträge von Ewen Le Borgne
Knowledge Management and Communication Strategy
Case study about a Knowledge Management project at West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI)
16. Mai 2011 von Ewen Le Borgne, Jaap PelsA team visited and interviewed implementing partners on the ground in Ghana, Mali and Niger to document their experiences within West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI). The aim of these missions was literally to find facts, to collect documentation and figure out what lessons have been learned. These fact-finding missions have provided invaluable insights. They have been incorporated in this document which formulates a feasible and practical strategy on knowledge management and communication for WAWI and its successor projects in West Africa. [weiterlesen]
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Ewen Le Borgne is programme officer at the International Water and Sanitation Centre ( where he works on knowledge management, communication and monitoring & learning activities across various projects in Francophone West Africa and Ethiopia. Ewen is member of the IKM Emergent project working group 3 on Management of Knowledge and senior editor of the Knowledge Management for Development Journal.