Andrea Siegberg

Informatikstudium an der Rheinischen-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität in Bonn. 1996 Ab-schluss als Diplom-Informatikerin.

Von 1996 bis 2001 wissenschafliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für "Autonome intelligente Systeme (AIS)". Dort in den Robotik Bereichen Systementwicklung, Embedded Systems und Künstliche Intelligenz tätig. 2001 Wechsel in den Bereich Wissensinformatik um dort an der Entwicklung und Konzeption von Diskurs Systemen zu arbeiten.

Ab 2002 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung D3 Wissensmanagement; eine Abteilung der Hauptabteilung Wissens- und Kommunikationsmanagement der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.


Beiträge von Andrea Siegberg

  • Leveraging Boundary-spanning Knowledge Community Building

    20. November 2005 von Dr. Ina Kohl, Dr. phil. Tobias Müller-Prothmann, Andrea Siegberg

    Knowledge exchange across organizational boundaries is of primary relevance for the success or failure of organizations, especially in R&D environments. Using methods of social network analysis, the argument presented here is explored through an empirical case study on inter-organizational knowledge community building between different research institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, a large German organization for contract research in all fields of the applied engineering sciences. Expert knowledge communication and networking processes are evaluated by a multi-level approach. Institutionalization of knowledge transfer is studied with regard to the development of the informal contacts between the community members and the inter-organizational linkages on an aggregated level. The main focus is put on the relationships of knowledge exchange between the formal organizational boundaries and the informal inter-organizational network structures. The paper aims at exploring possibilities for interventions to facilitate and strengthen community building processes based on the results of the social network analysis. [weiterlesen]