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Beiträge von Richard Straub
"Wir stehen an der Schwelle zu einer neuen Form des Wissensmanagements"
Interview mit Dr. Richard Straub, Senior Advisor des Chairman für IBM in Europa, dem Mittleren Osten und Afrika
01. Oktober 2010 von Dr. Richard StraubVom 12. bis 14. Oktober 2010 findet die Professional Learning Europe in Köln statt. Der Veranstalter sprach mit Dr. Richard Straub über Lernen im "Enterprise 2.0". [weiterlesen]
“We are on the verge of a new form of knowledge management”
interview with Dr. Richard Straub, Senior Advisor of the Chairman of IBM in Europe, Middle East and Africa
01. Oktober 2010 von Dr. Richard StraubThe congress Professional Learning Europe will take place in Cologne from October 12th to 14th. The organizer talked to Dr. Richard Straub about learning in the Enterprise 2.0. [weiterlesen]
Richard Straub ist Mitglied in folgenden Themengruppen:
Richard Straub hat zu folgenden Schlagworten veröffentlicht:
- Aus- und Weiterbildung
- E-Learning
- Einführung von Wissensmanagement
- implementation of knowledge management
- Innovationsprozess
- process of innovations
- Professional Learning Europe
- status quo of knowledge management
- Status Quo Wissensmanagement in Deutschland
- Trends im Wissensmanagement
- trends of knowledge management
- Unternehmen 2.0 / Enterprise 2.0
- vocational and advanced training
- web 2.0-Technologien / web 2.0 technologies
In addition to his job as Senior Advisor of the Chairman of IBM in Europe, Middle East and Africa, Dr. Richard Straub actively participates in numerous networks for providers and users of learning solutions. He is General Secretary of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), and Board Member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Straub, who is also Founding President of the Peter Drucker Society Europe, is keynote speaker at major international conferences such as the European Union eLearning Conference 2006 in Dipoli, the 2006 EDEN Conference in Vienna and Online Educa, Berlin 2005.