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Sybil Amber

Beiträge von Sybil Amber
Sybil Amber hat zu folgenden Schlagworten veröffentlicht:
My interests are widely spread in arts, technology, anthropology and hospitality services. I grew up as a noble in the center of Vienna/Austria/Europe, my daddy was and is a world wide known Jazz musician. I am interested in content management/writing/online editing/web editing/ and I prepare for my own business in information distribution. I look out for online university studies to achieve my degree at the same time (please contact me or send me offers, links or notes).
I am an artistically trained multitalent in various fields. With classical guitar music I started and later began to assist in theatre direction, to model for artists, and to produce my band. My interest in visuals began by analyzing paintings and other pictures. I involved in performing, and my passion for watching movies brought me to practice creatively pictures and moving ones. I filmed little videos, cut them and published them in the net. In Hollywood, Los Angeles, C. A. I lived for some months in a kind of paradise for performing and filming, later I edited videoart for the Ethnocineca 2009. As a result of studies at the university, I started to engage in documentary, infotainment and edutainment filming. Current projects: Otti - Life in Jazz and CCV - City Call Vienna
About Me: