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University Librarian Dr Mayank Trivedi
Organisation: Smt. Hansa Mehta Library, The M S Uni of Baroda
Beiträge von Dr Mayank Trivedi
Dr Mayank Trivedi hat zu folgenden Schlagworten veröffentlicht:
Dr. Mayank Trivedi, University Librarian & Senate Member at Smt. Hansa Mehta Library, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara.He has been instrumental in developing Open Knowledge Gateway(OKG), IR @ MSU and the web portal of Bhaikaka Library,Vallabh Vidyanagar. Prior to the present assignment, Dr Trivedi was University Librarian & Publication Officer at Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Dr Trivedi has been actively involved in establishing a new Medical Library from grass root level at CU Shah Medical College as per MCI norms. Dr Trivedi got nurtured at Pramukhswami Medical College, Karamsad, Govt Dental College & Hospital and M P Shah Medical College, Jamnagar. He has started his career from Cadila Labs Ltd. As an Information Scientist.
Dr. Trivedi has attended more than 20 National/ International Conferences. Dr. Trivedi has more than 20 research articles on his credit that were published in learned research journals. He has authored Two books. Dr. Trivedi has organized several workshops, user awareness and one IRTPLA Training Programme for SOUL 2.0 with the help from INFLIBNET. He has also organized 15th NACLIN successfully. Dr. Trivedi is a visiting faculty at various Universities of Gujarat State. He is associated with PAC Committee at BAOU, Ahmedabad for BLIS and MLIS courses. He has delivered talk as resource person for several training programmes, orientation programmes, refresher courses and workshops. Five research scholars are persuing Ph.D. under his guidance at various Universities of India. His work has been published by Sardar Patel University in a book form (2010). His current research interests includes Digital Libraries, Open Sources, Web-based Learning and Education, Health Informatics, Web 2.0, Knowledge Management, Virtual Library etc.