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Im Veranstaltungskalender sind ausgewählte nationale und internationale Konferenzen, Messen und Tagungen zum Thema Wissensmanagement zusammengefasst und durch ics-Import z.B. direkt in Outlook integrierbar.
Falls Sie uns eine Veranstaltung melden wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.
Social Business & Digital Collaboration
23.September 2015 - 25.September 2015S - Stockholm
Through this premier marcus evans conference we will showcase the best strategies, tools, techniques and technologies to achieve these goals quickly in a consistent and easy way. With our experts, we will analyse and benchmark successful digital collaboration models that allow companies to create a smarter workforce, anticipate customer needs, and improve overall enterprise performances ensuring both organisational productivity and effectiveness.
Key Topics include:
- Analyse and benchmark successful digital collaboration models
- Discuss innovative tools and techniques to achieve organisational and cultural goals in a consistent and easy way
- Look into best practices of engaging intranet experience for employees
- Empower the business with a set of tools that enable real time knowledge sharing
- Create a smarter workforce, agile and well informed to strengthen your business processes
- Improve overall enterprise performance through social collaboration while enhancing organisational productivity and effectiveness
- Anticipate customer needs and build brand loyalty making easier for them to interact with your business and share ideas and opinions
Conference Workshops:
· Evolution of a Knowledge Management System in a Highly Autonomous Organisation
· Working Out Loud as a Mature Way of Sharing and Enhancing Processes While Becoming a Learning Organisation
*Delegate discounts available for Community of Knowledge newsletter readers.
For more information about the event and to register please contact Constandinos Vinall, or visit the website: